The Scientific Commitee
Born in 2017, the SMA-A Scientific Committee (CS_SMA-A; formerly the UMFVG scientific committee), has the main task of proposing and / or evaluating the feasibility of scientific initiatives within SMA-A, such as research campaigns. o measures, scientific projects or calls for the assignment of scientific prizes. All this is carried out for the enhancement of meteorology, climatology and earth sciences that interact with them on the territory of the geographical region between the Alps and the Adriatic Sea .
In 2018 the CS_UMFVG announced the first Scientific Award for Meteorological and Climate Sciences called " MeteoClimaFVG " whose contributions include scientific publications, communication and dissemination activities, research projects that were carried out in the Friuli Venezia Giulia area.
The first edition of the prize was awarded to Marcello Miglietta of the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the National Research Council (ISAC-CNR) for the scientific work Characteristics and Predictability of a Supercell during HyMeX SOP1 published in 2016 in the journal scientific Quaterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society which also sees as authors Agostino Manzato of OSMER-ARPA FVG and Richard Rotunno of Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology LAboratory, NCAR of Boulder (Colorado, USA).
(in addition to the SMA-A chairman)
--> The NEW Scientific committee will be soon nominated
Dr. Sandro Carniel , PhD - Senior Scientist at ISMAR-CNR, Venice Italy
Prof. Filippo Giorgi , PhD - Head of Earth System Physics Section at ICTP Trieste, Italy
Dr. Stefano Micheletti - Director of OSMER-ARPA, Italy
Dr. Giovanni Monegato , PhD - Scientist at IGG-CNR, Padua Italy
Dr. Fabio Pagan - Scientific Journalist
Dr. Fabio Raicich - Senior Scientist at ISMAR-CNR, Trieste Italy