​The Alpine-Adriatic Meteorological Society (SMA-A), in collaboration with the Julian Prealps Natural Park installed a high altitude weather station in 2012 near the remains of the eastern Canin glacier. Mass balances have been carried out annually on this small residual glacial body, today the main one in the Canin complex, since 2011. The meteorological station therefore has an important glaciological function, as well as knowledge of the meteorology and climate of this high-altitude area. altitude with numerous applications in terms of fauna, ecology, flora and speleology of the Canin.
The installed instrumentation allows to collect data of different atmospheric parameters as well as the temperature in the rock at different depths. The extreme characteristics of the site make the maintenance of the instrumentation and the continuity of measurements complex, but since its installation it has been possible to obtain a continuous and uninterrupted series of air temperature data.

By carrying out an in-depth analysis with two other high altitude meteorological stations, the observatory of Kredarica (Slovenia) at 2537 m asl and that of Villacher Alpe (Austria) at 2140 m asl, as well as the weather station of Livinal Lunc-Gilberti active since the early 2000s at an altitude of 1800 m, it was possible to reconstruct a dataset of respectively 60 years and 160 years of average daily and monthly temperatures.
On the other hand, taking into consideration 5 downstream rainfall stations, in addition to that of Livinal Lunc-Gilberti, namely Coritis, Saletto, Žaga (Slovenia), Resia and Stolvizza, a dataset of 90 years of daily rainfall at an altitude of 2203 m was reconstructed.
The scientific work was published in 2015 in the Royal Meteorological Society's International Journal of Climatology and is available at the link https://rmets.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/joc.4172

The weather station currently does not have a remote connection. The data is collected on site by two dataloggers and collected on site by going to the site. The problems for a data transfer in real or near-real time are linked to the poor GPRS coverage and to the difficulties of supplying the station sufficiently and continuously. In fact, the site, in addition to going in the shade for over 4 months a year, suffers the effect of heavy snowfall which at the end of winter can frequently completely cover the solar panels that power the instrumentation.
The table below shows the average monthly and annual temperatures divided into significant time intervals © SMA-A.
Climatology of the average monthly temperatures of the Canin - altitude 2203 m [° C]